Fine Free Details

fine free


 Fine Free FAQS

 What does fine free mean to me?

You are still responsible for bringing materials back. Being fine free means that the library will no longer charge a daily fine for most overdue materials.

Your account will be suspended if you don't return items in billed status or if unpaid fines and fees exceed $10. You will not be able to borrow any new items if you have any overdue items out.

You will still be charged the replacement cost for lost or damaged materials for which a bill has been issued.

High-demand collections including Museum Passes, Video Games, Board Games, Launchpads, Nooks & Kindles, Equipment & Gadgets, and J Kits are still charged overdue fines.

 Why is the library going fine free? Aren't you going to miss the revenue?

Our goal is to ensure that patrons are able to access all the books and services the library has to offer. The risk of incurring overdue fines can prevent some patrons, especially children, from checking out books and other materials.

Over the years, we've had Fine Free Thursdays and added auto-renewal, which has already led to a large reduction in fine revenues. Library fines make up about one-tenth of one percent of the overall budget; LPL does not rely on overdue fines to run the library.

 Why do I still have fines on my account?

Be patient.  Library staff are in the process of manually removing past fines.  This will take a few weeks. If you notice overdue fines on your account after a few weeks, please contact library staff so that they can help you clear it up. Patrons are still responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged materials, and for overdue fines on items borrowed from other libraries and high-demand items.

 What about my holds? Will I be waiting longer for them?

Good news! Most libraries that are fine free report that a majority of patrons still return their materials on time, and waitlists are not affected. Of course, we always encourage patrons to return materials on time so your fellow library users can enjoy them.


August 1, 2020