Personnel Board Duties & Responsibilities (cont'd)

Section 4:  Duties of Personnel Board
a)  The Board shall maintain written descriptions of the job classifications describing the essential characteristics, requirements, and the general duties of said job classifications.  The descriptions shall not be interpreted as complete or limiting definitions, and employees shall continue to perform duties assigned by their supervisors.

b)  The Town Administrator and department heads shall keep such records of Town employees as the Board may require.  The Board shall keep such records of its own, as it considers appropriate.  All personnel records of the Town, by whomever kept, pertaining to the Town’s employees shall be open to inspections by the Board at all reasonable times.

c)  The Board shall review the job classification and compensation plan under its jurisdiction at intervals of not more than three (3) years.  The Board may modify existing job classifications as conditions warrant and shall have any such modification ratified by the Board of Selectmen.  No new classification(s) shall be established without a report of the Board, subject to the subsequent ratification of its actions by the Board of Selectmen. No new classification shall permanently exist until such ratification.