Town Common-Complete Streets Grant Project

Town Common-Complete Streets Grant Project

The Town of Leicester was awarded a Complete Streets grant in the amount of $335,747.50 to make a series of improvements around the Leicester Town Common. (A Complete Street is one that provides safe and accessible options for all travel modes - walking, biking, transit and vehicles – for people of all ages and abilities.)  The Town Common project includes a series of planned improvements to improve accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and wheelchair users. 

100% Design Plans 6-22-2020 - NEW
Conceptual Design Plan 10-31-2019

 Complete Streets Grant Program
The Complete Streets grant program has 3 tiers: 
Tier 1:  Adoption of Complete Streets Policy (Adopted 2/13/2017)
Tier 2:  Preparation of Complete Streets Prioritization Plan* (completed 9/2018 with Complete Streets grant of $37,999.49)
Tier 3:  Town Common Project Grant Funding ($335,747.50 award announced 1/2019)
*The Town Common project is described on pages 49-52 of this plan. (Note: although the plan describes bicycle racks, Leicester did not receive grant funding for this part of the project).

Addtional links:
Town Common Project Budget Summary
Complete Streets Grant General Information
Draft Preliminary Design Plan 9-26-2019